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How can I find support?

I was diagnosed in late April of this year..... but heres the thing..... I already barely knew anyone because I recently moved to East Texas (for a new start at life, ironically, didnt plan on this being that new life)

I have a roomate, and literally one other friend in Texas, so needless to say I feel more alone than ever, and its not like theres an out loud community of people i can commune with who understands my "new situation". How do you go about finding local friend groups to socialize with? And when I can even wrap my head around dating again, how do i do that???

  1. this is a good start, finding community online. Anyone from Texas out here have some tips on getting connected? In terms of dating, our advocates have written a lot on the subject. Many of their articles are here - but if you put "dating" into the search bar on you'll find even more personal stories! - Liz (Team Member)

    1. Hi we are Eunice and Kalvin Marshall we were both diagnosed with HIV in 2007 we are living in Houston Texas. What part of East Texas are you living? Are you wanting a Men' or Women's group or a mixed status group We can connect you with people once we know exactly where you are. There are many HIV groups on Facebook and online and through zoom for support and dating . We have support groups here in the Houston area for support not sure of your age .we are older and many younger people are searching for those closer to thier age. If you are interested in connecting to a group I will send you a message and we can go from there.
      Kalvin and Eunice Marshall

      1. Alafia (Peace) We are so glad you found us. First, I would suggest you tap into the online ecosystem which is on Facebook. There are may find others who live in your area. The dating will come after you get your footing. Stay connected to us here at Khafre ( Team Member)

        1. Alafia (Peace) I wanted to check back in with you to see if you have found community in East Texas? We hope that you have found your tribe and after a year you are settling in to your new start.

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