Hello doctor, 4 month ago I was feeling kind of inexplicable fatigue and was feeling tired all the time and I had a skin infection on my groin and on my scrotum and my penile area was itchy.
The last time i had sex was with a women 6 weeks ago and the condoms broke oncee and had sex with her another time without condoms,I decide to go get an oraquick hiv home test , I took the test snd I was chocked to see that there is a faint line on the second line.
I was freaking out that night and went to clinic to get a 4th génération combo test and to check that skin infection.and the day after I went to another lab and got a rapid test called alere determine hiv1/2 combo.
Both test came negative but I still freaking out and from time to time I start doubting about the test and feeling symptoms for HIV.
Are my tests conclusive and is it possible that’s Im just paranoid and that why it make me feel that I have symptoms