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Low reaction low reactive

I did a home test for HIV. I've only ever had un protected sex with one woman 7 years ago, once. I have only ever been bottom with a man twice both with a condom.
I did the sti test and HIV was included, it came backas low reactive. Had blood taken in clinic but awaiting results.
Haven't slept in three days worrying about it. I know its always a possibility that its posative but anything i read is vague or indicates low reactive nearly always means clinic test comes back negative. Can anyone confirm this?

  1. Hi . It is understandable that not having a conclusive answer is difficult to deal with. We are not medical professionals or able to assess your results online like this, but we can provide information that I hope will help you in the coming days. Low reactive can mean different things dependent on the test and also the result can be caused by different things. It is good that you have had a blood draw done for an HIV specific test. Will the new results be back soon? Wishing you the best and please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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