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Where Do I Begin When It Comes to Dating?

Good evening. I feel I need someone to relate with.feeling lonely

  1. Hi . Many here understand how difficult it can be to date while living with HIV. I want to share with you this article from our editorial team on the topic: In addition, our patient leader Davina wrote this article on dating apps and living with HIV: Hopefully others will chime in with their thoughts on the topic. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Hi , I understand exactly what you are saying. After my first partner passed away, I was isolated and felt that no one I knew understood what I was experiencing. It took me a while to reconnect with my community and friends, but eventually, I reformed the bonds I needed to get the support I was looking for.

      Are there any groups or networks you can connect with?

      Please keep us updated on how you're doing. Your well-being is important to us, and we're here to support you in any way we can.

      Robert Brunet - (Team Member)

      1. First of all, I want to extend a virtual hug your way. Dealing with HIV can be incredibly isolating, and feeling lonely is a common struggle for many people in similar situations. But hey, you're not alone in feeling alone, if that makes sense. I've been there myself, navigating the ups and downs of living with HIV.

        You can start with this HIV dating site:

        1. Hello I'm Jonathan and I felt the same way all I did was picked myself up and walked on faith and my higher power put someone into my life and we have been married for 9yrs

          1. Hi Jonathan. Thank you for sharing this. It's so important to remind ourselves that there are opportunities for our community to find relationships.

            Can I ask, how did the two of you meet?

            - Robert Brunet (Team Member)

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